El metodo index(of) me regresa el siguiente error: Cannot invoke ‘índex’ with an argument list of type ‘(of: ChecklistItem)’
The index (of) method returns the following error: Can not invoke ‘index’ with an argument of type ‘(of: ChecklistItem)’
El metodo index(of) me regresa el siguiente error: Cannot invoke ‘índex’ with an argument list of type ‘(of: ChecklistItem)’
The index (of) method returns the following error: Can not invoke ‘index’ with an argument of type ‘(of: ChecklistItem)’
Are you using Xcode 8?
Is your Checklist item a subclass of NSObject? (Is it declared as class ChecklistItem: NSObject
Ok, mi Checklist no estaba declarado como ChecklistItem: NSObject.
Ok, my Checklist was not declared as ChecklistItem: NSObject.
Thank you
I take the opportunity to congratulate you for the excellent tutorials