Chapter 9 Global Actors and ImageLoader contrived or?

After going through the material in Chapter 9 I was curious if the example of using the AsyncStream in the global actor was the correct approach ? Doing this required extra “setup” and some boilerplate code it seems, wouldn’t it be more concise to use @Published here since the we are tying the updated value to the UI anyway? I’m trying to understand if there is some advantage of one or the other.

// ImageLoader
  @MainActor @Published var testCount: Int = 0
  func incrementTestCount() async {
    await { testCount += 1 }

// BotomToolBar

  @ObservedObject var testVar = ImageDatabase.shared.imageLoader
  Text("Access: \(onDiskAccessCount) from disk, \(testVar.testCount) in memory")


\\ ImageLoader
  @MainActor private(set) var inMemoryAccess: AsyncStream<Int>?
  private var inMemoryAccessContinuation: AsyncStream<Int>.Continuation?
  private var inMemoryAccessCounter = 0 {
    didSet { inMemoryAccessContinuation?.yield(inMemoryAccessCounter) }

  deinit {

  func setup() async {
    let accessStream = AsyncStream<Int> { continuation in
      inMemoryAccessContinuation = continuation
    await { inMemoryAccess = accessStream }

// BotomToolBar

  @State var inMemoryAccessCount = 0

      Text("Access: \(onDiskAccessCount) from disk, \(inMemoryAccessCount) in memory")

    .task {
      guard let memoryAccessSequence =
        ImageDatabase.shared.imageLoader.inMemoryAccess else {
      for await count in memoryAccessSequence {
        inMemoryAccessCount = count