Chapter 9, Challenge 5: Double-ended Queue

Protocol Deque is written for a struct, but DequeDoubleLinkedList is written as a class. The protocol appears as a struct in the 4th edition of the online book and the github repo.

protocol Deque {
  associatedtype Element
  var isEmpty: Bool { get }
  func peek(from direction: Direction) -> Element?
  mutating func enqueue(_ element: Element,
                        to direction: Direction) -> Bool
  mutating func dequeue(from direction: Direction) -> Element?

Two methods are list as mutating.
mutating func enqueue(_ element: Element, to direction: Direction) → Bool
mutating func dequeue(from direction: Direction) → Element?

I image there was an intention to transition from class to struct. Or not.

I changed DequeDoubleLinkedList to a struct. I made minor changes to get value semantics working for the struct. Changes to DoubleLinkedList.swift:

lines 42 and 57 become
mutating func prepend(_ value: T) {
mutating func append(_ value: T) {

I modified remove(node: ) and adapted copyNodesIfNeeded() from copyNodes() in the book to work with DoubleLinkedList.

  mutating func remove(_ node: Node<T>) -> T {

    let headOrTail = == nil ? self.last : self.first
    let prev = headOrTail?.previous
    let next = headOrTail?.next
    if let prev = prev { = nil
      tail = prev
    } else {
      head = next

    node.previous = nil = nil

    return node.value

private mutating func copyNodesIfNeeded() {
    guard !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&head) else { return }

    guard var oldNode = head else { return }

    head = Node(value: oldNode.value)

    var newNode = head
    newNode?.previous = nil

    while let nextOldNode = {
      let newNodeCopy = Node(value: nextOldNode.value)
      newNode!.next = newNodeCopy
      newNodeCopy.previous = newNode
      newNode = newNodeCopy
      oldNode = nextOldNode
    tail = newNode

Change to file Contents.swift, from the repo. Make DequeDoubleLinkedList a struct and make to methods mutating.

line 39

struct DequeDoubleLinkedList<Element>: Deque {

line 57

mutating func enqueue(_ element: Element, to direction: Direction) -> Bool {

line 67

mutating func dequeue(from direction: Direction) -> Element? {

Small test run. Create a new DequeDoubleLinkedList from an existing one.
var deque = DequeDoubleLinkedList()
deque.enqueue(1, to: .back)
deque.enqueue(2, to: .back)
deque.enqueue(3, to: .back)
deque.enqueue(4, to: .back)

var deque2 = deque
print(“\nCreate deque2 from deque”)

print(“\nEnqueue to front”)
deque.enqueue(5, to: .front)

print(“\nDequeue from back”)
deque.dequeue(from: .back)

print(“\nDequeue duque2 from back”)
deque2.dequeue(from: .back)

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