Chapter 8 - Capturing from the enclosing scope

Why does this work:

func countingClosure() -> () -> Int {
  var counter = 0
  let incrementCounter: () -> Int = {
    counter += 1
    return counter
  return incrementCounter

and this not?

func countingClosure() -> () -> Int {
    var counter = 0
    let incrementCounter: () -> Int = {
        return counter += 1 // not working
    return incrementCounter


In the first example, the countingClosure function works because it returns a closure that directly modifies the value of counter by incrementing it by 1. In the second example, the countingClosure function does not work because the expression return counter += 1 attempts to modify the value of counter and return it at the same time. In Swift, it is not possible to modify a value and return it at the same time, which is why the expression in the closure fails.

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