Chapter 7 - SSL error has occured

When I’m using RESTed with the POST method as described on page 86, I got the following error “An SSL error has occurred and a secure connection to the server cannot be made.”

The xcode console gave me this output :

Server starting on http://localhost:8080
[ ERROR ] invalid HTTP method (Logger+LogError.swift:32)
[ DEBUG ] Conform HTTPParserError to Debuggable for better debug info. (Logger+LogError.swift:34)
[ ERROR ] invalid HTTP method (Logger+LogError.swift:32)
[ DEBUG ] Conform HTTPParserError to Debuggable for better debug info. (Logger+LogError.swift:34)
[ ERROR ] invalid HTTP method (Logger+LogError.swift:32)
[ DEBUG ] Conform HTTPParserError to Debuggable for better debug info.

I checked carefully my configure.swift, everything seems right, docker is also running PostfreSQL. Any idea about what could be wrong ?

Found the mistake, I used https within RESTed instead of HTTP…

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@nidupb Really glad you managed to fix this.