Thank you @bobcampbell! It solved the compile error.
The save test still doesn’t work though but I believe that the problem is somewhere else in my code!
Thanks again!
This error blew an hour of my time, thank you Bob!! I went through the same steps as you, with the exception of the FileMerge, that was a great idea. Thanks for the veryclear steps as to resolve.
Even after following @bobcampbell’s instructions I could not get my program to pass the save tests. Various attempts at finding differences between my code and the finished version of the code (which works) did not find any so I decided to start over with the chapter. I trashed my entire 07-unit-testing folder and extracted a new copy from the .zip file.
The first thing I did after opening the starter project was check the language used for the test project. It was already set to Swift 4.0. When I added the Swift file TestCoreDataStack the test project’s language setting changed to Swift 3.0. I reset it back to 4.0 then went through the chapter’s exercises again. This time everything worked properly.
I don’t know why the language changed when the new .swift file was added (Xcode bug maybe?) but, making sure to reset it before adding any new code seems to have resolved my issues.
If anyone else is still having problems passing the save test(s) after making the language change, try starting from a fresh copy of the project.
Thanks @bobcampbell solved my problem and the tests pass now. This was the first thread that showed up in google search so 2 seconds to solve the problem woohoo