Hi there,
I’m working through iOS Animations and came across this problem. In chapter 7, working in actionToggleMenu:
@IBAction func actionToggleMenu(_ sender: AnyObject) {
titleLabel.superview?.constraints.forEach { constraint in
print(" -> \(constraint.description)")
isMenuOpen = !isMenuOpen
titleLabel.superview?.constraints.forEach { constraint in
if constraint.firstItem === titleLabel && constraint.firstAttribute == .centerX {
constraint.constant = isMenuOpen ? -100.0 : 0.0
if constraint.identifier == "TitleCenterY" {
constraint.isActive = false
In second if-statement of the for-loop, the section that checks if the identifier of the constraint is TitleCenterY, we type continue. However Xcode throws an error and complains that continue only works inside a loop:
'continue' is only allowed inside a loop.
I removed continue and the code works, and so I’m wondering what deal is here.