I’m working through the example with the “stickers” on the car. In the book, they show just one sticker being referenced and printed.
I tried adding a few other stickers. While the print(car.stickers)
correctly lists all of the stickers in the list - the print(realm.objects(Sticker.self).filter("id IN %@", car.stickers))
only lists the first sticker.
Is this how it is supposed to work? I would assume that the filter command would end up listing all of the stickers instead of just the first one.
@freak4pc Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]
Check again your code, if you don’t see all the linked stickers maybe you’ve missed something. Here’s how to update the example in Chapter 4 to list 2 stickers instead of one:
Example.of("Referencing objects from a different Realm file") {
// let's say we're storing those in "stickers.realm"
let sticker = Sticker("Swift is my life")
let sticker2 = Sticker("Xcode rocks")
try! realm.write {
print("Linked stickers:")
.filter("id IN %@", car.stickers))
This outputs:
ℹ️ Referencing objects from a different Realm file:
List<string> <0x608000045fa0> (
[0] 05431193-93F4-44EF-BCA1-61437A9BE7A3,
[1] 0D0914CE-BA34-46AC-ACE4-95D282DCDAF5
Linked stickers:
Results<Sticker> <0x7fa9e270dad0> (
[0] Sticker {
id = 05431193-93F4-44EF-BCA1-61437A9BE7A3;
text = Swift is my life;
[1] Sticker {
id = 0D0914CE-BA34-46AC-ACE4-95D282DCDAF5;
text = Xcode rocks;
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Seems like @icanzilb already took care of it