When I’m trying to add a set of images for launch screen, there is missing button “Use Assets Catalog”.
I’m using Xcode 11.3.1 where App Icons and Launch Images section under General tab looks like this:
Is this option deprecated in this version of Xcode?
I hit the same problem and worked around it by comparing files between my project and the solution source code from the book.
In the end, changing two files manually in a text editor did the trick:
1. “project.pbxproj” in the “MyLocations.xcodeproj” folder
and add this line underneath it: ASSETCATALOG_COMPILER_LAUNCHIMAGE_NAME = LaunchImage;
Note: You need to do this twice, once for release and debug settings.
2. “Info.plist” in the “MyLocations” folder
Find and remove these two lines: