First of all amazing work with the book really didactic, I just have an small concern, such I mentioned on the title I’m on Chapter 3: Working with Previews, just on this part…
Set Color Scheme to Dark and Dynamic Type to accessibilityLarge.
Everything worked fine except the dark mode, for some reason I just had a white rectangle, I added the following modifier .background(Color(UIColor.systemBackground)) and now I’m able to see my Header.
Did I have to do something before, so I don’t need to add the .background modifier?
Hey @audrey thanks for the response, I already saw my issue (checking the final project for the chapter), my code was exactly the same, but the issue was on my preview code instead using the attributes inspector I wrote the modifier for color scheme and I didn’t notice that there were a colorScheme(_ colorScheme:) and preferredColorScheme(_ colorScheme:), I was using the first one