Chapter 3 actionMidMove error

(iBooks / ePub version, so left the page number out)

SKAction.move() has the following method signature:
let actionMidMove = SKAction.move(by: CGVector, duration: TimeInterval)

The code sample in the book reads as follows:
let actionMidMove = SKAction.moveBy(x: -size.width/2-enemy.size.width/2, y: -playableRect.height/2 + enemy.size.height/2, duration: 1.0)

This has the following compile errors:
-Expected expression in list of expressions
-Expected ā€˜;ā€™ separator
Use of unresolved identifier ā€˜xā€™

Clearly there is some syntax error in the code, but Iā€™m not sure how to define the vector here? Perhaps when the book was written the method had a different signature? It appears to me a CGPoint is being passed in when a CGVector is what is expected.

@abunur This is the SKAction class method signature that you should use over here in this case:

class func moveBy(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat, duration: TimeInterval)

Please let me know if you have any other questions or issues regarding the whole thing. Thank you!

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