Chapter 2 page 53

I have been going over the code for error has no member “tintColor”

My Code

I am having problems in understanding the how the code is imported into the Dictionary

Can someone explain it to me please.

@pietrorea Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

Found the problem, I did not add the Color to the CoreData. I can NOT UNDERSTAND, how I made this mistake. Sorry for disturbing you.

@NSManaged public var tintColor: NSObject?

I just found ANOTHER ERROR, and this explains my mistake.
Please go page 43 top of page.
When you’re finished, your Attributes section should look similar to the following:
You will notice that tintColor is not listed as part of the Attributes… It CLEARLY SAYS THAT IT SHOULD LOOK SIMILAR.

FOUND MY MISTAKE: Once again, Core Data has your back. If you took a close look at SampleData.plist, you probably noticed each bow tie has an associated color. Select the Bowtie entity in the model editor and add a new attribute named tintColor of data type Transformable.
I AM ASHAMED that I skipped this on page 45.
Very sorry for bothering you.
Your time is very appreciative to us all.

@hcri1950 Glad you sorted it out! Cheers! :]

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