Chapter 12 & 13 no longer functioning

I could not get the app to run on iOS simulator (iOS18.2 on iPhone 16) unless updating dependencies. It was a hard NO from compiler.
After this however, various things don’t work. The details page doesn’t load anything with log: flutter: [MESSAGE] Problems getting Recipe null
Bookmarks don’t work even in the supplied code for end of chapter 13.
Any fixes to the book coming?

I am using Flutter 3.16. The starter project for chpt 13 does not load any recipe details and gives this same error. Same accross platforms. I can see from the Spoonacular http response there is a summary section which is what should be loaded to the details page.

Hi, i was able to fix it after some troubleshooting by myself. The issue is not really your dependency version, it’s about the json serializable for some nullable fields.

in the spoonacular_model.dart file, change the SpoonacularRecipe definition

class SpoonacularRecipe {
  int? preparationMinutes;
  int? cookingMinutes;
  String sourceName;
  List<ExtendedIngredient> extendedIngredients;
  int id;
  String title;
  int? readyInMinutes;
  int servings;
  String sourceUrl;
  String image;
  String imageType;
  String summary;
  String? instructions;

    required this.sourceName,
    required this.extendedIngredients,
    required this.title,
    required this.servings,
    required this.sourceUrl,
    required this.image,
    required this.imageType,
    required this.summary,
  factory SpoonacularRecipe.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) =>

  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => _$SpoonacularRecipeToJson(this);

These integer fields are nullable, so caused problem in JsonSerializable.

ps: remember to run the dart run build_runner build again, after the change.

I suggest the staff made these changes in the repo for edition 4.0 as well ( i don’t have the branch or pull request permission by myself )

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Thanks a ton for that - I’d noticed the null error in the logs but… had assumed this was ok somehow seeing as it’s in the book!.. lesson learned!!

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