I have been working on Chapter 10, challenge 3 and am stuck. While I’ve looked at the solution, my approach is slightly different and I’m trying to understand what is happening.
// Battleship = write the game engine for a baattleship like game.
struct Coordinate {
let x: Int
let y: Int
struct ship {
let origin: Coordinate
let orientation: String
let length: Int
var hits: Int = 0
mutating func isHit(coordinate: Coordinate) -> Bool {
if orientation == "Right" {
if origin.y == coordinate.y &&
coordinate.x >= origin.x &&
coordinate.x - origin.x < length {
self.hits += 1
return true
} else {
if origin.x == coordinate.x &&
coordinate.y >= origin.y &&
coordinate.y - origin.y < length {
self.hits += 1
return true
return false
func isSunk() -> Bool {
if self.hits >= length {
return true
} else {
return false
struct Board {
var ships: [ship] = []
func fire(location: Coordinate) -> Bool {
for ship in ships {
if ship.isHit(coordinate: location) { // <-x Cannot use mutating member on immutable value
return true
return false
So this code is very similar to the solution given with the book, but I’ve added to the ship struct a variable Hits and a isSunk method to determine if the ship was sunk. In this isHit method I increment hits if its a hit, and isSunk returns true if if hits >= length. I had to make the isHit method mutable because it modified the hits variable.
Seemed simple enough, but when I wrote the board struct and try to use the ship method isHit, I get and error "Cannot use mutating member on immutable value: ‘ship’ is a ‘let’ constant.
Spent a couple of hours going through stack-overflow and other sites, but I can’t seem to find anything related to this issue.
Any help appreciated.
Jim Kardach