How to change the wall color using raycast hit method in vive controller
when I press the trigger button in the vive controller the color needs to change how to do ? here I am using Player Prefab…
sample code for color change :
public class WallColorChange : MonoBehaviour {
public Material[] materials;//Allows input of material colors in a set size of array;
public Renderer Rend; //What are we rendering? Input object(Sphere,Cylinder,...) to render.
private int index = 1;//Initialize at 1, otherwise you have to press the ball twice to change colors at first.
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
Rend = GetComponent<Renderer> ();//Gives functionality for the renderer
Rend.enabled = true;//Makes the rendered 3d object visable if enabled;
void Update()
void OnMouseDown()
if (materials.Length == 0)//If there are no materials nothing happens.
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0))
index += 1;//When mouse is pressed down we increment up to the next index location
if (index == materials.Length + 1)//When it reaches the end of the materials it starts over.
index = 1;
print (index);//used for debugging
Rend.sharedMaterial = materials [index - 1]; //This sets the material color values inside the index
Thanks in advance