I am having this error when trying to use moor_genarator:
`/C:/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/moor_generator-4.4.1/lib/src/writer/database_writer.dart:4:8: Error: Error when reading '/C:/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/moor-4.6.1+1/lib/`
`src/runtime/executor/stream_queries.dart': The system cannot find the path specified.`
I checked:
there are three moor files in my flutter .pub-cashe folder, moor-4.6.1+1, moor_flutter-4.0.0, moor_genarator-4.4.1
there are no upgraded version after moor-4.0.0
flutter pub get was successful
In my pubspac.yaml - moor_generator: ^4.4.1, moor_flutter: ^4.0.0