I’m on page 355-6 and finding no firebugs when I run the game. I just upgraded to Xcode 8.3
In TileSets.sks selecting Enemies:bug:Tile:firebug the User Data entry doesn’t seem to like firebug as a Name but reverts to the default, UserData1. The final version for this Chapter seems to work. I can get it to work if I change “firebug” to “userData1” in GameScene.swift: createBugs()
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Hah, I usually don’t manually save projects except at the end of a programming session. The .swift and similar files seemed to be saved when I run a program. It seems a save after entering the firebug name did the trick. Bug squashed
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FYI. Just above the forKey: “firebug” code there is a guard statement
guard let tile = tile(in: bugsMap,
at: (column, row))
that gives a warning. If you let Xcode fix it (like I did) you get a bug later when you add the firebug code, page 355
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