For my japanese application (iJishonario) i show word example in which there is the searched kanji. actually the cell is created by storyboard in which I’ve put 3 image and 3 label and added constraint by storyboard and by tag get the views and set the informations. this is because one is for the japanese word written in kanji, other ones for japanese word written in romaji and the last is for the meaning in italian language.
but @micazeve has suggest me to insert also the word in english language to can gain an instant boost in visibility. It’s a great suggestion and for this reason i would create a custom table view cell that to do this. but my idea is to add not only the english language but, in future, also other language like French, Spanish or German. and, if now I add only english language, maybe could be some word with only italian meaning or only english meaning.
how can I do it?
in my app there will be a settings page where default all languages available are switched on but the user can switch off the language don’t want to show.
So i think this: from settings get all language that user want to show and used this list to try get the word from db.
if the word is nil i take off the language from array.
but now? the cell how can I develop it? in which way I create the cell that dynamically create image view,labels and constrains?
in the init method I make the loop on the array of languages available to show and create the images, labels and constrains programmatically?
and the strings and image objects that contains information passed from table view controller when create the cell, how many strings and image create? only one image and one string? or many images and strings as many languages are available?
I hope I was clear, if not, just ask.