I have a viewcontroller class and another class of NSObject. I call from the viewcontroller class the following method
[[[ApiServicesProvider shared] userService] getCreatorsContentID:^(NSDictionary * _Nullable result, NSError * _Nullable error) {
NSString* ccID = result.creatorsContentId;
self.creatorsContentID = ccID;
NSLog(@"creatorsContentID %@",self.creatorsContentID);
[self getImageUploadURL:ccID withNumberOfAttempts:10];
self.isUploading = NO;
at this line
NSLog(@"creatorsContentID %@",self.creatorsContentID);
creatorsContentID is null although at this line
self.creatorsContentID = ccID;
ccID is not null so self.creatorsContentID should not be null.
Moreover at this line
[self getImageUploadURL:ccID withNumberOfAttempts:10];
is never get called.
What am i missing?