Book 2 After NSUserDefaults Can't save

I can’t figure out for the life of me why on my simulator if I stop from Checklist screen and reboot it doesnt save anything but if I stop from a different screen it saves. I think i’m going crazy. I have tried copy and paste specific codes from your templates into mine and still can’t find where thee error is coming from. I’m also pretty new to this!

By “stop” you mean pressing the button in Xcode that kills the app? That won’t save anything. You first have to go to the simulator’s home screen (Cmd-Shift-H). This tells the app to go into the background, at which point it saves the data.

Ok thanks, and just for learning purpose here…When I run the app on the phone and kill/terminate it, the app will still save right. That is the save process that you used. I just want to make sure i’m following the correct work. Thanks

By “kill/terminate it” do you mean pressing the home button on your device or the Stop button in Xcode?

The home button on the device won’t actually kill the app, just put it to sleep.

(Users don’t have an equivalent to Xcode’s Stop button to terminate apps, which is why the app doesn’t save when you press that button.)