Blender models not recognized in Unity 5.4.2

Hello, I’m following the first game tutorial, currently I am at page of 38 of 405 (the preview that came out today).

I can’t drag the BobbleArena model in Unity’s scene… it’s like it doesn’t recognize it. I also tried to delete those files and re-import from the final folder of the game but same thing.

This is how it looks:

How can I go forward?

EDIT: I’ve seen those are blender files, I already installed it when the book said to, ran Blender.exe but didn’t do the trick

Ok I resolved it… after trying run Blender multiple times, I selected “Re-import” after right clicking each element, and it correctly refreshed as usable. The refresh button instead didn’t do the work. Close and re-open project neither.

Thanks for posting a solution; I just want to clarify — did you have the latest version of Blender installed before opening Unity?

Yes but I don’t know if and how much that is important… but I assume having Blender up to date is best thing.

It is very important. Unity uses Blender to import the model. If you don’t have Blender installed — or an older version than the model was made with — you won’t be able to import the .blend file.

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