BLE Connection like Apple Watch / Pebble

Hey everybody,

I’m wondering how Pebble works architecturely (BLE connection)? I’m looking forward to build a Smartdevice (Arduino & BLE) for my office, with different Apps streaming content (Notifications, Events etc.) to it. Works fine so far, but BLE peripherals allow only one connection at a time as far as I know and I’ve tried. So only one app is able to communicate at a time.

Which limits me in kind of everything I want. Is pebble maybe using the pebble app only as a proxy for all local apps to communicate with the watch? And if so, how does it work? Can other apps wake up the Pebble App? I do really like to build a SDK for my device and allow different apps to use it.


Edit: What I did already try is googling. But I can’t find any implementation details. The iOS Pebble SDK is only making the API public, sadly.