Best way to learn Android given all the changes with Jetpack libraries ?
Besides the android learning path, what is the best way to learn android through the website ?
Hi and welcome to the forum community @sanketnaik3.14! Thank you for posting your question here. The best path will vary by person but my suggestions for learning on the Ray Wenderlich site are:
- Join the Discord group!
It’s a growing community with plenty of people learning, sharing, and asking questions there.
- Keep an eye out for updates to books and tutorials. Example, there was an update for the Jetpack Compose by Tutorials on May 7th.
- The announcements section of the site always has upcoming news.
- The upcoming page for subscribers shows upcoming courses.
- The learning paths do a great job tracking which tutorial you’ve done and with the bookmark feature I personally use this to track which courses I have yet to look at, complete, or start.
- Finally, the search feature is perfect for finding the latest courses. For example, you can search for newest Android/Kotlin courses and organize the results by platform, subscription, and more.[]=2&sort_order=released_at
Hope these notes help with your learning journey. Have a great day!
Thanks for your reply
I wanted to know what sequence of videos to follow ?
Hi @sanketnaik3.14. I would suggest all five of the Android learning paths then after that I’d personally look at the latest tutorials that I’d find interesting.
Android Jetpack is an assortment of Android programming segments which helps us in building extraordinary Android applications.
These product segments help in:
Following the prescribed procedures and composing the standard code.
Making complex things exceptionally basic.
Prior there were numerous difficulties which are as per the following:
Overseeing movement lifecycles.
Enduring setup changes.
Forestalling memory spills.
This load of serious issues have been tackled by the Android Jetpack’s product segments.
In this way, the answer for every one of the issues is Andriod Jetpack.
Another most significant thing about the Jetpack is that it gets refreshed more regularly than the Android stage so we generally get the most recent adaptation.
Jetpack contains the androidx.* bundle libraries, unbundled from the stage APIs. This implies that it offers in reverse similarity.
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