Learn about functionals in Swift 3.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/4095-beginning-swift-3/lessons/9
Learn about functionals in Swift 3.
Thanks a lot
I noticed that you provided the solution for the exercises in both the challenge playground and the solution playground
I deleted the answers on the challenge playground
Thanks for the heads up!
And I think that in the “Ub3r H4ck3r Challenge” you are missing out the max value, which is 1000. I might be wrong on that but I noticed that from your solution code.
I updated to description of the challenge to make it a little easier to understand and to use 1000 as a max value. Thanks for reaching out!
Thanks for this very helpful explanations (I hope I will get used to the labels…).
Short remark: your loop is 0...times
and times has a value of 10 so you loop 11 times (not 10, as you may see on the righthand side in the playground)
Hi Brian - one for suggestion for making the Euler challenge a little clearer: the example series provided in description is misleading. I must have spent about 10 minutes trying to determine how to produce the example series from the numbers 3 and 5. I had to wiki that the Euler Series actually was. If you change your example range from the randomly selected “5, 9, 15, etc…” to the actual series “3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, etc…” then more people will catch on to what they must do.
Can you please explain argument labels in more detail. I’m not sure when you need to or dont need to use argument labels, and I’m not sure if you explained what a internal or external parameter is by definition in the video.
What is the difference between the parameter and the argument label?