Beginning Swift 3 - Part 2: Variables | Ray Wenderlich

Learn about variables in Swift 3.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Thank you so much for the tutorial
I just installed xCode 8 and I noticed that the results aren’t shown in the result section
The example of answer += 1 shows error in my compiler
It is a wonderful experience
Thanks a lot

I think there may be a few omissions in the playground solution for the video 2 challenge (viewed in raw):

Line 11 should be “myAge,” not “age.”

The solution for the problem that begins "Declare a variable of type Double called averageAge. " is missing.

Lines 20 and 21 should be Doubles.


Yep I noticed the same thing - Pretty cool though it demonstrates the problem of using integer math by mistake…

Thanks for the heads up … the solutions have been properly updated.

MISSING - The challenge asks for:
“Declare a variable of type Double called averageAge. Initially, set it to your own age. Then, set it to the average of your age and my own age of 30.”

But the answer is not in the playground solution.

HI I am trying to listen the video but video is freezing after 20sec and i tried to drag little bit forward it is playing again for 20sec and freezing this is very frustrating can someone help me please

Hi. Same as me :confused:

Same problem here - video is freezing. I am on a 1gb pipe so its not internet or browser…

Thanks very much. A great start. Where are the challenges after each video? The arrow takes me to the next lesson.

Note that the solution to the second challenge is still missing.

Great video but the solution is missing the second challenge.

The download for the materials are a mess as of 10 Jul 2017. The missing solution about adding and averaging age is not there despite what the developer says, and there is a secondary zip file containing the same OLD files in the download. Can someone actually look over this with some care and attention please!

This course is currently being updated for Swift 4: We will fix all of the issues in the updated version. Thank you for your patience in the meantime with the whole thing - much appreciated!

The video player sucks!