Review what you learned in our Beginning Swift video tutorial series and find out where to go from here.
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Review what you learned in our Beginning Swift video tutorial series and find out where to go from here.
I reached this point and I would like to thank you so much Brian
I replayed some of your videos and I found it so useful
Thanks a lot and I will begin exploring the intermediate swift tutorials
Kind regards
Thank you Brian, everything is so clear with your videos!
Great videos and very clear tutorials thanks Brian!
Did notice that two of the slides on the conclusion video might be in the wrong order? When talking about static types the slide for conditionals is showing in the background and vice-versa when you are talking about conditionals the slide for types is showing. Not a huge issue but just thought I’d mention if it’s easy to fix.
Looking forward to moving onto the Intermediate course.
Brian, thank you so much for this great videos! Please more of this stuff!
Thanks so much! I’m glad they’ve been helpful!
Thanks so much! I’m glad they helped!
Ack … I had no idea. We’ll check this out and get it fixed. The intermediate course is being edited (it had to wait because my glasses broke) … it should be posted in a week or so.
Hi, I really enjoyed the course, thanks Brian!
I was hoping to watch on my iPad and do the challenges in the Playgrounds app, but the playgrounds in the materials do not open in the app. The error message is unsupported file format. Is this expected?
Ok, I got it working. It’s finicky. I ended up opening the Challenge playgrounds in Xcode and then exporting, saving in iCould Drive. I waited a bit and then the files were available in the app. Tap to download, then tap again to open it up and it works. Note that the first time I tried exporting to iCloud Drive, I got the unsupported format error, so you may just need to try it again.
Thanks for the heads up about this … I’ll take with the rest of the team to see how we can make this easier for you to import them to your iPad. Cheers!
What kind of tool did you use for the presentations (Power Point or Keynote) and what is the name of the font?
We use keynote for all our videos and for the font, we use open sans and coolstoryregular.
Great course @vegetarianzombie. What do you recommend as a follow up course?
This was a very good introduction to programming in Swift. Coming from almost a decade of working in Objective-C with a minor bit of experience working in Swift 1, this tutorial was able to give me a full understanding of the basic modern syntax. Also, I was very grateful to have the option to watch at 1.5x. Keep up the good work and thanks for your contributions!
Thanks Brian. Great stuff
Thanks Brian for the great tutorials!
I’m moving forward to intermediate ones now!
Thank you so much. I watched all of your videos and damn, you just do an amazing work. Thank you so much. Again. Thanks