In this video, you'll learn how to pass data between view controllers by means of a segue.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
In this video, you'll learn how to pass data between view controllers by means of a segue.
I’m trying to setup the segue on the Detail Item but I’m only able to select the Content View so the segue occurs when a user clicks the cell (causing it to uncheck and then preform the segue to edit).
In the Final Demo clicking the Detail Item causes an exception and crash. I’m unable to figure out how the segue was created on the detail item (and why it crashes) but it appears that the demo should be updated to be functional?
I’ll keep messing around with this and post a solution if I can figure it out. Anyone else having this issue or discover a solution?
Hey Brian !
This is a feedback to your video lectures.
We are here because we are just beginners. You type codes very fast and also assume that we will understand the syntax all by ourself. You dont explain the code but only tell the logic of the code which makes it very hard to understand.
So please teach in a way a beginner should be taught by explaining the syntax.
@vegetarianzombie can you confirm if the demo final file is correct as we didnt make a ItemDetailViewController file in the demo. I require the file since my demo project is showing errors which i am not able to rectify