Background processing when app is not running

Is it possible to wake up an iOS app (when its NOT Running) to execute couple of background tasks (i.e communicate with a Bluetooth LE device and upload the data to a web server) without user interaction? I have considered using Local Notification with a timer to wake up the app periodically (even if the app is Not running) and perform the tasks. However, ASFAIK when the system delivers the local notification and the app is not running - didReceiveNotificationResponse delegate will not be called until the user clicks the notification to launch the app. Another possible option is using performFetchWithCompletionHandler to execute the tasks - will this be triggered even if the app is not running? I have implemented this in Android environment using a Service that is triggered by an Alarm Manager.
I have not experimented with remote notification (this is out of scope at this time), which may be the only way to accomplish what I need to do.

Hi @mkeramat from my understanding you can not wake up an iOS app when it is not running without the user. The user would have to tap the app icon to get it into the foreground, or tap on a notification from the app, or open a custom URL that would open the app. Here is a link from the Apple documentation that goes more in depth with background execution .

Best of luck!


Gina, Thanks for the reply and the link.

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