Anyone else having problems with every Mac/iPhone/iPad app today?
When i shut down last night, it automatically downloaded an update and installed macOS Catalina v 10.15.2 this morning… And thats when things started going bad…
Tried to go thru another chapter of iOS apprentice, and it took like 10 tries and ForceQuits to get iBooks to open on my iPad…
Xcode has been freezing up whenever I try to build something (that worked before I shut down yesterday)…
I went to the AppStore to download the latest XCode upgrade and froze up my machine… Had to do a hard reboot…
Even on my iPhone, I tried to run my newly created Bullseye app and it opens and immediately closes…
Think I’m going to turn off all my Mac products and just work with my PC for the rest of the night…
Hi @jamesh - sorry you are having all these troubles. Since you mention having upgraded and then having troubles on macOS, perhaps you should call Apple Support? They may offer free support to you based on your recent OS upgrade.
Hi @robertomachorro, I was on the phone with support for over an hour and a half after posting this… (FYI I love Apple phone support - they are always so helpful, knowledgable and friendly - even after an hour and a half on the phone)
I “think” I’m back to being workable post-upgrades, it was just a very frustrating day dealing with this on a day I had allotted for going thru a few chapters in iOS Apprentice… Today (and the next few days) I had a lot less free time…