Announcing the Advanced Swift Spring Fling!

What are you most excited about in our new book lineup?

Pretty excited about the design pattern and Data Structure in Swift, was missing a good read on both of these topics in iOS domain for a long long time.


What I am most excited about is the opportunity to become a developer after learning from these books because it will provide me the required knowledge of trade-offs in design patterns, the opportunity to understand and read about data structures and algorithms because that is a significant blocker in job interviews, and finally being able to understand how to build robust apps with realm.

really excited to learn the advance stuff using design patterns in swift book and learn the fundamentals of computer science using the algorithm and data structure book that too in swift. can’t wait to get hands on these books.

I think for me is the Data structures and Algorithms book. Knowing how important they are it is good to have a swift book that shows you how to implement them.

What are you most excited about in our new book lineup?

Advance IOS App development with managed Code and best way of writing Code and Algorithmic Approach with Design pattern approach. Every book form RW is Worlds best in IOS Development like a Text Book in College. Thanks RW

I am most excited by the design patterns book. It should be very interesting and hopefully bring a fresh approach to a sometimes convoluted subject.

I am most excited about the Data Structures and Algorithms book as I am preparing to get my first job in tech. So this book will help me study for the interviews. 8 months ago, I left my job as a librarian to change my career to tech and take classes in iOS development. Have been involved in tech ever since and now getting ready for my first tech job.

It’s a nice way to refresh old university knowledge in new way! As always all stuff is really useful in everyday work tasks, so it’s win-win solution right in time :slight_smile: Thanks a lot!

I am most excited for Design Patterns book. I think I can learn very useful things about iOS development from it

What are you most excited about in our new book lineup?

I am most excited for Data Structures & Algorithms as well as design patterns. I have read Gang of Four book and several algo books. These topics have resources on the internet and maybe a book or two covering them for swift, but they don’t have the same well-thought-out coverage that the Ray Wenderlich books do. It will be great for these two topics to get the Raze treatment. I can’t wait.

What are you most excited about in our new book lineup?

I am most excited about learning new design patterns in Swift. Learning a new topic is always more fun when it’s written in your favorite language!

I’m definitely most excited about “Realm: Building Modern Swift Apps with Realm Database”. I’m a big fan of Realm Database and would love to learn more about Realm Platform and their Realm Cloud offerings.

I am so excited for all three books. There are a lot of resources online for eveything here but the Ray Wenderlich stuff is always the best and easiest to follow!

I am mostly excited about Realm and design pattern book . Each book provides different skills that are needed to level up as a developer . So excited .

What are you most excited about in our new book lineup? Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift
Because it’s a MUST for developers to train your brain to think and solve problems.

I am more excited about Design Patterns and Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift. These two books would impart the necessary knowledge that forms the core of Computer Science and Software Development and hence, really important for an iOS engineer to master in order to be successful in their specific domain in the software industry. I’m so glad you guys came out with these books :slight_smile:

Yay, so excited! I would love to get my hands on these!

I am most excited for the Swift Algorithms book. I currently run the Algorithm Club at my job for the iOS team during some lunch breaks, and would love to get some more idea from this book.

These are the most books I’m interested on

Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift
I was looking forward to see Data Structures and Algorithms for Swift developer for a while

Realm: Building Modern Swift Apps with Realm Database
I’m using Realm for my projects
And For me I think it’s easier and more powerful than CoreData
And I’m looking for to learn more

Design Patterns by Tutorials
I don’t know much on Design Pattern
Than MVC so I think i will learn new things on this book

It’s nice to have a Swift book on data structures - instead of keeping the Algorithms club repo in sync :slight_smile: