Announcing Our Android Fall Sale! |

Three new Android books, two new Android book updates, plus incredible savings with our time-limited Android book bundles!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

“Data Structures and Algorithms in Kotlin” is the most interesting book for me, as these are the basics every programmer should know.

“Kotlin Coroutines by Tutorials”

I’m most excited about Android Test-Driven Development because that’s one of the areas that I’m really interested in but have neglected to learn so far.

“Kotlin Coroutines by Tutorials” is my one of the favourite among others.

“Data Structures and Algorithms in Kotlin”

Data Structures and Algorithms in Kotlin

Reactive Programming with Kotlin

I’m an Android junkie and have a number of your Android books! if I had to pick one at the moment, it would be “Data Structures and Algorithms in Kotlin”.

Saving data on Android

I’m most excited about the Kotlin Apprentice book because I know almost everything about iOS but NOTHING about Android! Time to level-up!

Hey guys, thanks for conducting this giveaway.
Would be awesome if I got “Reactive programming in Kotlin” and “Data Structures and Algorithms in Kotlin”, cuz frankly, Kotlin is love! :heart: and I cannot get enough of new info on Kotlin.
Well, I hope I win. In any case, kudos to Raywenderlich team for bringing all this awesome content. :]

Data Structures & Algorithms in Kotlin gets me the most excited!

Data Structures and Algorithms in Kotlin looks fun and would be a great companion for any Kotlin dev.

I’m most interested about Data Structures & Algorithms in Kotlin, curious to see their approach!

Saving Data on Android is the one I’m looking forward to, there’s lots to learn

I think “Combine: Asynchronous programming with Swift” is the most anticipated new book because Combine is new and somewhat complex, yet essential for SwiftUI, but I can find very little tutorial or reference material on the subject.

I would like to read several of these books - but I think I’d be most interested in Advanced Android App Architecture.

Definitely “Data Structures and Algorithms in Kotlin”.

Kotlin Apprentice of course!