Ambiguous scrollable content height

@catie @jessycatterwaul Hey guys, really love your approach to teaching…thank you. I started an empty Single View project with the intent of getting to where you are staring in the “03 DIY Scroll View” (start) source code. I have set and have matched all constraints on all views to those defined in the starting code download. However, I am getting a “Has ambiguous content height” message on the “DIY Scroll View” view. See below


Thanks for any help you can provide.

Craig Serold

Update…I clicked the “Add Missing Constraints” option and it added the constraint hi-lighted below to the vertical stack view that contains all of the images. This removed the ambiguous scrollable size error. However, I have your source code open and there are no ambiguous errors even though the constraint shown in the screenshot below is NOT present (as stated earlier, all of the constraints I set matched the ones in your source code).

Thanks again. Craig!


Hi Craig! Very cool that you’re trying to recreate this on your own. The issue you’re seeing is because we aren’t actually using a UIScrollView there, but you are! In our project, it’s just a plain UIView.

We get into using UIScrollViews later in the course, and we talk about the Auto Layout issue you just solved! But for the video you’re looking at now, we’re rolling our own basic scrolling functionality with a UIView :]

Oh, mercy! That explains the DIY part of the title I guess. Haha. Really appreciate the quick reply @catie. Done a lot of online learning for iOS lately and I can say that, by far, the tutorials you guys are releasing are the most well done. Keep up the good work. Cheers, Craig

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