Practice using the composite pattern in “Defeat Your To-do List”, a to-do list creator app.
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Practice using the composite pattern in “Defeat Your To-do List”, a to-do list creator app.
For those who are curious, as of iOS 8.0, array also implements allSatisfy which is a more efficient way to ensure that every element of the array returns true
than reduce
Reduce will go through every element of the arrays while allSatisfy
will stop as soon as it hits the first false
value. You can test it in the playground:
var elements: [Bool] = [true, true, true, false, true, true, true]
print("Testing allSatisfy:")
elements.allSatisfy {
print("Testing element: \($0)")
return $0 == true
print("Testing reduce:")
elements.reduce(true) { result, currentObject in
print("Testing element: \(currentObject)")
return result && currentObject