Adjust image size

Hello people

I am a new user. I read the book 2D iOS game designs which written by ray wenderlich.
For the Section 2: Physics and Node, Chapter 9 Beginning physics. I think i meet a problem.
I insert an image which is png format, but the size of image is kind of large. How do I resize my image? Also, if I want to create a circular hollow image and insert another smaller image inside it. What should I do? For example, I draw a candy can and i want to insert candy into the can.


Ok do you know about asset sizes in Xcode? How there is the 1x, 2x and 3x?

As for the creating a circular hollow image and insert another smaller image in it, can you post the images you mean? Because it sounds like if you want to have a donut shaped circle as if to represent a garbage can as seen from the top and you want to put an image into it, you just have to center the image you are ā€œputting into the garbage canā€ around the garbage can donut shaped circle.

I think I can fix it through PS. Also, I am thinking about constraining all of the yellow points inside the circular glass.

If you mean SKSpriteNode, the Node has a property on it .setScale. So you can make it smaller or larger.