I am looking for help to setup the correct access control parameters when I an item into keychain. Please help and through some idea, here I would like to do:
Create an app for iPhone
Within iPhone, within an app, add an item (user name and password) into keychain by setting correct access control parameters.
Retrieve that item (user name and password) within app within iPhone
Later on, within an iPhone, access that item (user name and password) through keychain in the safari browser or chrome browser or any the iPhone components.
Problem Experienced:
Created an app for iPhone
Within iPhone, within an app, added an item (user name and password) into keychain by setting access control parameters (correct?).
Retrieved that item (user name and password) within app, used it, within iPhone
Later on, within an iPhone, I am unable to access that item (user name and password) through keychain in the safari browser or chrome browser or any the iPhone components. The keychain window is not even pop up when try to access that item (user name and password).
Any help is appreciated!