About the Unity AR & VR by Tutorials category

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Hello, customer here of the book:

I’ve downloaded the project v0.1 from “my products” page, and have been trying to extract it to a win10 machine. It keeps failing on long file names.

Error 0x80010135: Path too long
._VRTKExample_ControllerEventsDelegateListeners.cs ._VRTKExample_ControllerEventsDelegateListeners.cs.meta
… (at least 20 more files, before I did a do this for all files selection “Skip”)

I’ve tried extracting to 4 different drives and downloaded I think 3 efforts.
All are NTFS drives and healthy.

I only have 3 folders in the extract directory when complete: _MACOSX, 03-vr-setup, and 04-vr-locomotion

Any ideas?

BTW, worked fine on my macOS machine. I’m trying to copy from there over and see what happens, seems okay. Might be worth confirming on win10 as an issue?

I bought the bundle, and did recieved the books in EPUB and PDf, I cannot find the zip files though!!
I went thru the txt file saying that the zip files are on the product page but still I cannot find them.
AM I missing something or are the files just not loaded yet?

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Have you tried longpath tool for the issue?
I’ve solved this type of error just in several minutes.