For discussion and questions around the book “Realm: Building Modern Swift Apps with Realm Database”.
Well, I’m 100% sure I’ve purchased this book! Now it’s not available in my products page! Where is my book? @chrisrazeware @rwenderlich
Hi there,
I have checked your permissions and you have bought the book and should still see it there.
Could you, please, email a screenshot of your “my products” page to and we can better look into it?
@jellodiil I found my book under my profile page where all my purchases are listed and I can download my books from there. The problem is related to the main screen, when you log in you see “My Books” at the top of the screen. Here I can’t find Realm book for online reading (which you force us to do in recent months).
Yes, unfortunately we decided to not support the Realm book in our online reading experience which is why it doesn’t show up on the “My Books” page.
So the Realm book is only available through My Purchases.
If we ever have a a surge of interest about Realm, then we’ll need to look into updating this book and it would become part of the online reading as well.
Sorry for the confusion and inconvenience.