Kodeco Forums

3D Apple Games by Tutorials Updated for Swift 4 and iOS 11

3D Apple Games by Tutorials is now fully up-to-date for Swift 4 and iOS 11!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/376-3d-apple-games-by-tutorials-updated-for-swift-4-and-ios-11
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Muito bom !!. Bem que poderiam haver mais postagens como esta :slight_smile:

Hello !
As someone who has already read the previous version, can you tell us what changed with this update ?
Is it only an update for the new version of Xcode and minor change in the code for swift 4 or is there any new functionalities from SceneKit ?
Thanks you :wink:

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Hi! 3D_Apple_Games_by_Tutorials_v3 does not contain folders with resources !!!

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