@ademgunduz As discussed in the post, because Apple released so many new features for GameplayKit this year, we decided it would be too much to properly cover in this book. As such, the chapters dealing with GameplayKit have been removed, and will be covered elsewhere, at a later date.
@jecht83 We have moved the “Juice” chapters to the chapters of the book focusing on Drop Charge - you’ll learn how to add special effects and animations to your games there. We wanted to keep the Pest Control chapters focused on the main subjects at hand (working with the new iOS 10 tile maps, and saving and loading games).
Ray, thank you for this update. I think that creating a book or a series of tutorials on GameKit is a great idea and I eagerly await their release. In the meantime, however, would it be possible to keep the previous version of the book available? The download page now only shows the new version to me.
Nice update but the parts that were removed were some pretty useful ones. I.e. Path finding. I eagerly await a GameKit book especially including path finding. As that is completely doing my head in.
I agree that the iOS 10 tile maps load much more efficiently than the original solution from Delve in earlier books, but removing path finding is a little disappointing.
@rwenderlich@crispy8888 I haven’t reached the chapters pertaining to the Delve game, but the game itself has features that I would like to emulate, is it still possible, knowing we will have to edit the code for Swift 3.0 support, to have the games up and running? They’re not “obsolete” are they? They just weren’t added to this version correct? And by obsolete I mean if I were to go through the Delve tutorial and edited in such a way as to support Swift 3, it would not work at all. I was specifically interested in the procedural generation.