201: iOS Design Patterns in Swift | raywenderlich.com

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/3600-201-ios-design-patterns-in-swift

Such a great topic! Sucks for the audio, at some point it gets a bit distracting.

@robertomachorro What browser are you using?

Iโ€™m using Safari 12.0.3, however itโ€™s not related to the browser. Around 1:04 minutes into the video, you start hearing double the audio, almost like audio mixed on top.

The editors heard it as well and posted a note in the video that reads:
โ€œAudio issues resolved at 6m30sโ€

where can i find the downloadable documents for the video

@jaikumar You can download the whole bundle for free over here:


I hope it helps!