I’m subscribed to the RW email course for Intro to iOS. The site seems to have a lot of videos, but I was wondering where I could find the lengthy posts that would usually be available by the videos. Are they in a separate section? Do they require a subscription? Are they email only?
Another question I had is if anyone here knows of a tutorial that uses a model, tableview, and detail view. I am trying to practice connecting to the model and transferring data over the segue. I might even have the wrong idea in mind, but it does seem like a fundamental lesson for iOS app dev.
For your second question, there is a tutorial called How to make a RESTful app with Siesta and that will teach you how to “use the Siesta framework to improve your API interactions, networking, model transformations, caching, loading indications and more.”. If you’re just starting off with iOS development then I would suggest starting off with the iOS and Swift for Beginners path. It shows you a list of recommended video tutorials to help you get started with learning about Swift and iOS.