Why we are still doing that?!

Hi guys,
I purchased Android apprentice book and immediately closed it after I saw that they are still using findById?!!! Why are they still using it in the book since one of the features of Kotlin that we don’t have to do that anymore??

I was reading the first app but decided to stop reading after I saw that.

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Hey maheration,

We use findViewById because it has an important role in Android for linking XML layouts to code. We want developers new to Android development to understand its importance, even if its not needed using Kotlin.

Having readers stop midway through the 1st app isn’t what we want. We hope you can give the book another chance.


I agree with maheration. The book is not worth reading further if it already starts with unnecessary information. I think he should be refunded.

Hi Maheration, I think It’s important to understand the principles of View Binding by using this kind of sentences, until last year, Kotlin wasn’t an official language for Android. Could you imagine all the apps that still have Java code and it needs to be migrated (If were necesary)?. You have a good remark for the RW redaction team in their next release, but give them a chance and continue learning about Android.

Good luck :wink:

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