Unity Games by Tutorials Now Complete: Plus Discount & Giveaway!

Iā€™m thinking a Qix game in 3d.

I would like to create a Bomberman inspired local co-op / local multiplayer game for 2 - 4 players.
Desktop platform first and then controls will be ported to suite mobile (since movement is basic)
Game would be in 2d of cause.
2 players can be on the same team. So that would be like team death-match with 2 per team.

I would have different bombs with variable qulities like

  • Delay time
  • Blast radius
  • Does not get you killed but with limited radius etc

Further modifications can be made like

  • Maps will not be restricted to one screen
  • Fog or war effect on maps so you donā€™t know whats around the corner
  • Loot drops while a game is underway to lure players to it (if you get is great, but also others can lay bombs around it to kill you). Loot disappears after a bit.

I can go on, but you get the picture. :]

I would like to build a game that teaches students where things are in my library and points them to our online resources.

I would like to build a racing game with Unity 3D. Thank you for you guysā€™ great works.

Is it fair to say that Unity is more powerful than iOS Sprite-kit or Scene-Kit. Couldnā€™t a good developer make a great game with either?

A good developer could make a great game with an Atari 400 and nothing but assembler on cassette tape. But I guess the point is Unity3D can be easily moved to other platforms while ios-specific frameworks cannot.

Personally I would choose SpriteKit or SceneKit, but I just have no interest at all in targeting or supporting other platforms.

I love to build an AR game to teach my little daughter about the world included: plants, animals, fruitsā€¦

I would like to build a collection of 3D Brainer Teaser puzzles for this game. Each of the puzzle would have different levels - from easy to hard. A timer would be included to track the time to complete each puzzle. The less time to complete the puzzle, the more points added to the userā€™s score. This game would be a multiplayer game. Top ten high scores would be shown on the screen.

I am planning for an Infinity Blade rival :muscle:

All games!! I hope to improve using unityā€¦

After completing the book I will program The Matrix, plug myself in and read the book again vitually.

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So many ideas but I would like to make a variant of Space Invaders!

A 3D baloon racing game.

I would use the tutorial to help my 18 year old son get to grips with Unity to help him get through his Digital Media & Games Design College course.

I would like to build simple RPG with math chalanges for my students as a math learning lessons.

I would build an old school car racing game which users share the same screen while using their own phone to navigate.

Iā€™d love to resurrect the old PS2 game ā€œHerdy Gerdyā€, but this time with added VR :grinning:

What game? My beloved Abeā€™s Oddyssey mixes with Heart of Darkness mixed with a spice of Rayman Origins :wink:

i would like to build a game between Commandos and Baldurā€™s Gate :slight_smile:

Iā€™d love to make an endless runner while you play as a hotdog and escape dogs, and itā€™s also really hot. dog.