Twink Stick Shooter Tutorial

Hello guys and admins,

Its been 1 week that I have purchuased this book tutorial from Unity assets(@brainwasher). Today I finished Chapter 5 (page 133). But its been a problem that it is bothering me. After double-checking the book and the downloaded assets, I have also started the project from beginning, but my aliens does not work as they should. Here is an example of the project. I click play and dont move.

So the problem is that my aliens dont come underneath the character.
I hope to who ever read this and know how I am going to fix it, he can help me.

Best wishes guys.

Hey Stellos,

From the screenshot, it looks like the NavMesh hasn’t been updated. In the chapter on pathfinding, there’s a bit where you redo the navmash near the end of the chapter. This fixes is the issue of all the aliens clustering together. Check it out and go through the steps of clearing and recreating your navmesh. That should fix the issue. If you get stuck, let me know.


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