Raywenderlich.com Abandoning Swift

@rwenderlich It’s unfortunate I’ve had my share of April Fools that day that I knew it just from the title 
 But for a sec I was really happy. I like Objective-C a lot (for its verbosity, that I can practically not document my code and everyone would just be able to understand it easily just from function names and types).

@onceunpopularideas It’s normal no big company would take you seriously, especially if you are in a team. There is a lot of work going on “adding” things to the codebase, and you can’t afford to have to go back into the whole code and change everything on each minor version/update of Xcode. Especially if the code is done by hundreds of people in different countries.
If you are a freelancer working as consultant instead, it’s totally fine. As long as you offer to maintain the code for at least 1 year or so after release (clients won’t afford having a broken code just for upgrading their Xcode either).

Would be nice if this were true not only on RW but everywhere else. I regret that I spent so much money buying apple hw just to find out that they are in the game of making everything obsolete and forcing you to upgrade. If you upgrade, your hw becomes obsolete. If you don’t, your software becomes obsolete. NICE! The program I wrote back in 2003 on Windows XP, still runs fine on Windows 10. Try THAT on a Mac

I’m about to cry :joy: :joy:
This is the best announcement ever :astonished:
SWIFT always makes me feel like apple doesn’t care or respect it’s developers anymore !! :rage:

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What’s your experience with Objective-C?

Started with iOS4, worked as team lead several years in projects for GameInsight (http://game-insight.com), pproduct.ru, actually CTO of Messaps (NY).

What part of Swift sucks the most?
Changing too often. I did a project in swift 1.0 and before releasing it swift 1.2 was released with a lot of changes which obliged us to re-download the previous xcode version.
I agree with almost everything from here

Do you agree facial hair should be limited to eyebrows?
 It is a very strange tendence - hipsters

You got me, I almost jumped on the f*** Swift bandwagon. I gotta say, I was pretty convinced that this article was real. Glad to hear it was all a joke lol.

Obviously you need a swift kick in pants for doing this

What’s your experience with Objective-C?

I am 21 years old now and I started programming in Objective-C when I was just 15 years old. Back then I developed games in Cocos2D with the help of your tutorials :slight_smile:. Right now, I’m a part of the Santander Internet Banking App Team as a Senior Programmer and during these years I learned so much and read about 8 books about Cocoa and Objective-C and more 8 books about programming in general. And I have a pretty cool depedency injection framework.

What part of Swift sucks the most? (It’s OK if you can’t narrow it down to just one)

Swift does not suck, it’s an impressive language. it is like apple listed every programmer complaint about a programming language and built this SAFE thing. But, I don’t use it. I love how objective-c put together the power of a really dynamic languages with the features of a Big OO language. I can say that the part that suck most about swift (and objective-c as well) is storyboards rs. (no one said I couldn’t say that).

Do you agree facial hair should be limited to eyebrows?

Learning objc before puberty might have affected the grow of my facial hair. So, yes.

Hi, please tell me , I want start programming, which Mac I need to buy ?

Why did Apple do so horribly when designing the Swift programming language? And yes, the ++ operator is WONDERFUL. HONESTLY
obviously OBJ-C is still the best BY FAR. The main thing Apple needed to do was to remove EVERY “NS” from every framework!!! WHEN WILL THAT HAPPEN?! Say YES to OBJ-C, say NO to the ridiculous Swift programming language and say YES to petitioning Apple until they remove EVERY “NS” from EVERY OBJ-C framework!!!

At least Lattner is GONE! That’s a start. Good day to sell a Tesla car to somebody else before Lattner ruins that company.

PS: Today noticed that, if I define a function with the new "_ " at the start of the input names, then call the function with inputs named
Xcode throws an error. WHAT!!! That underscore should make typing the input names OPTIONAL
yet another mistake by Apple. Seems that’s par for the course these days
hope they stop downgrading the software soon. Can’t have another app go the route that disk utility went and expect the company to do well.

Too bad this wasn’t true