Put it All Together | raywenderlich.com

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.raywenderlich.com/18176818-your-first-ios-and-swiftui-app-polishing-the-app/lessons/11
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Hi teacher,

I have a question about “binding” in
The question is: If there is @binding, why shouldn’t we use “$game.score” but “game.score”?
The original code as below

struct BottomView: View {

@Binding var game: Game

var body: some View {
        NumberView(tittle: "Score", text: String(game.score))
        NumberView(tittle: "Round", text: String(game.round))

@leeningthebest Here’s one way to think of it. A binding is a reference to some data that is “owned” elsewhere. In the case of game, it’s owned by ContentView but BottomView has access to it as a binding here.

If you have a binding to a variable like game, you can still access its properties directly without $, so game.score is fine.

But if you need to pass that binding to another view (that expects a binding), you use the $, for example BottomView(game: $game).

I hope that helps!

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