Persisting nested objects, just like in real life

If we intend to use nested objects, like in a simple blog application, where we have users, blogs, comments and so forth, can we use the SwiftKueryORM’s strengths to simplify persisting our data? Or do we need to go back to the SwiftKuery package to build and manage the database tables by hand?

I found some information that may be outdated, but indicates that Swift-Kuery-ORM plans to implement relationships in the future. See the last section in the article linked below.

This seems to be unsupported still since adding a nested array of objects to a model yields the following error upon createTableSync():

▿ 701 : Arrays or sets are not supported
  - rawValue : 701
  - reason : "Arrays or sets are not supported"
  - body : nil
  - bodyDataEncoder : nil

Further info: