iOS Apprentice (Version 5 : download disabled) - in MyLoot

Today I purchased the iOS Apprentice and want to download version 5 (the link is disabled)… (Am I missing anything??

Thanks in advance

P.s. link for 4.1, 3.3, & 2.1 all active

Hold on…Ill get someone on this.

Thanks, here is a screen shot:

I just purchased the iOS Apprentice (Version 5) yesterday…

Thanks in advance

Hi @arthur,

I checked your account and everything is linked appropriately. I think maybe the confusion is because the part that says that the version available is Version 5.0 is in gray text. It’s not a grayed out link, but just text that tells what the latest version is. The green link just below it that says “Download” will give you the 5th edition of the book. There are other links below that which give older versions, but the top Download link is for the latest edition. (see red arrows in screenshot below)

This book comes in four parts so you’ll need to download each part.

Please let me know if you run into any further troubles downloading the book so that I may assist. :]