iOS 12 Password Tools: Improving User Security and Experience |

Learn how iOS password and security tools can help you generate and securely save passwords, and synchronize passwords between your mobile apps and website.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Good job! I’ve really enjoyed this reading. But I have 1 question. Why do we need to enable AutoFill Credential Provider capability? This app does not use any password providing features! Isn’t it enough to configure Associated Domains for all features described in this article?

Yes, you’re correct. Thanks for pointing that out! We’ll update that soon…

Hi, Lynddsey,

Thanks for putting everything together especially the walkthrough for Heroku. I got it work with project starter, then I just want to see how password is saved to keychain, then I comment out following lines in SignupViewController.swift in order to just generate password and save it keychain, but do not register anything on backend.

Blockquote // Does not matter how do you dismiss the VC, the password still could not be saved in the keychain.
self.showAlert(“Signed Up!”, message: “Log in to get motivated”) {
self.navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
// API.register(username, password: password) {
// (result) in
// self.submitButton.isEnabled = true
// switch result {
// case .success:
// self.showAlert(“Signed Up!”, message: “Log in to get motivated”) {
// self.navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
// }
// case .failure(let error):
// self.showAlert(“Error”, message: error ?? “Sign Up Failed”)
// }
// }

The viewController is dismissed but the password could not get saved. I tried it back and forth several times but it’s the same result. It seems that the API.register(username, password: password) {…} is the magic function. But I don’t understand how or why it happened. So I am wondering, could you please shine some lights on this? Thanks

@lyndsey Can you please help with this when you get a chance? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

I have follow all steps of your tutorial. But when I run app into device, my app is not showing in “Autofill Password” setting.

Could you please help me ?

@lyndsey Do you have any feedback about this? Thank you - much appreciated! :]

This tutorial is more than six months old so questions are no longer supported at the moment for it. Thank you!