I would like to add 2 UIImageViews into a single UIImageView. 2 UIImageView nested into a larger UIImageView. Here is a picture of what I am looking for

This is the link to my stack overflow question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41135781/how-to-merge-2-uiimageview-into-another-uiimageview-swift-3

OK so I see from the picture that you want to have one UIImageView as a parent, with two other UIImageViews added to it as child views?

If Storyboard editor this doesn’t work. To me it seems like a bug but you cannot drag something into a UIImageView, even though it inherits from UIView and should work the same way - it does in code. A way around it is if you create a UIView that is the size you want the parent UIImageView to be; then you add three UIImageViews to it. Call them A, B and C as in your diagram.

You position and size C so that it is the full width and height of the background UIView. Probably the best constraints to use are leading/trailing, top/bottom with constants of 0 so that it covers the whole UIView and will stay that way if it is resized. Then you size and position A and B the way you want them - the only thing you need to be worried about is that A and B are both in front of C, or else they will still be there but will be behind C.

Alternatively you could add the UIImageView C in Storyboard, then add A and B as subviews of it programmatically.

I know how to set up the storyboards but how can I save the photo so that all 3 uiimageviews are nested onto each other. So that the parent view is in the background of the image of the 2 child views. parent view c; child view a and b

OK then - here’s some code to use. It renders a view into an image context. You can see I am saving it to the app’s documents directory but you can do whatever you like with saveImage when it returned from UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext. The view you should render would either be the parent UIView, or the parent UIImageView, depending on which layout strategy you have chosen.

    let contextSize = CGSize(width: xDimension, height: yDimension)
    if let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext() {
        view.layer.render(in: context)
        if let saveImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext() {
            let imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(saveImage, 1.0)
            let fileManager = FileManager.default
            let urls = fileManager.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask)
            let documentDirectory = urls.first
            do {
                let fileURL = documentDirectory!.appendingPathComponent("\(title).jpg")
                try imageData?.write(to: fileURL)
            } catch {

Just to add to this, the func UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(_ size: CGSize) will render the context with a scale factor of 1.0.

You may refer to use:
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(contextSize, true, 0.0);
(This will render the context at the scale factor that matches the device’s main screen)